I'm Darshan S
UI Developer
- University University of Houston-Clear Lake
- Location Houston, Texas, USA
- E-mail sdarshan3456@gmail.com
Hello! I'm Darshan S, graduated on December 2017 with Master’s in Management Information Systems at University Of Houston-Clear Lake, Texas. Over 3 years of experience in application and web development with emphasis on HTML/HTML 5, CSS 2/3, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, Ajax and AngularJS technology. Highly Curious about new Front-end development Technologies and adept at promptly and thoroughly mastering them with a keen awareness of new industry developments and the evolution of programming solutions.
Professional Skills
Education and Experience
University Of Houston-Clear Lake
Computer Lab Assistant
Be of assistance and advice to Professors, train students with problems they encounter on computers, like the Operating Systems, Wi-Fi, projector issues etc. Authorize laptop checkouts, check-ins, issue group study rooms, issue print jobs and present a conducive and healthy environment for benefit of students and their needs.
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Curriculum in the School of Business:
Java, SQL, Advanced Internet Applications Development, C#, Data Warehousing and Data Mining (ETL Processes),
System Analysis Design, CISCO Networking, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Bachelors in Electronics and Communication
Askio Infotech Services Pvt Ltd.
UI Developer
• Developed front end web pages by using HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript by taking advantage of the frameworks AngularJS.
• Used agile methodology for software development and also Implemented Page Optimization techniques for web pages, best practices in JavaScript and handled cross browser compatibility issues in web pages
• Utilized various jQuery plugins to build websites and to make it look more intuitive.
• Identified the way to increase the search engine optimization and Social media friendly.
Budget Application (HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript)
• It allows us to add Income and expenses for a certain month. Also, it calculates how much money we have made and how much money we have spent and gives us the available budget.
Click here for the Budjet application
E-commerce organic shop (Angular 4, Firebase 4, Bootstrap 4)
• An imaginary organic shop. We can add product in shopping cart, change quantity and number of items in the shopping cart and it gets updated in real time. Total price and total quantity gets updated in shopping cart immediately.
• Admin can manage products, check orders by implementing authentication and authorization.
Nature Tours (SCSS, NPM, Visual Studio code)
• Designed the web page using BEM methodology. SCSS techniques used to create stunning designs and effects.
• Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, animation and transition have been used.
Click here for Nature Tours application.
Online Restaurant (HTML, CSS, AngularJS, Node.js)
• Functionalities includes login, sign-out, selecting an item, adding items to cart, making table reservation were worked on using AngularJS and Node.js. JSON Data format is used.
Click here for the Restuarant application code.
Email Web Application (JAVA, Apache Tomcat Server, JSF Framework, CSS, MySQL)
Using Java as a programming language, developed a project for Email. Designed an email website with functionalities like Compose, Inbox, sent, Trash etc. are implemented.
The JDBC connections were made using MySQL
database and the front-end web development was done using the NetBeans platform and later deployed using Apache Tomcat Server.
Click here for the Email application code.
My Interests
8 years of experience as a Classical Dancer. Also, i am very good at playing Chess, Badminton and Cricket.
I was Public Relations Officer in MIS Organization at UHCL. I have also involved in many other activities during college events.
- Bicycling
- Watch Movies
- Worshipping
- Bowling
- Gymming
- Swimming
Contact Me
- E-mail sdarshan3456@gmail.com